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Tackle the Great Resignation and Improve Employee Retention


The post-pandemic resignation boom has brought worldwide employee retention issues under the spotlight. As turnover rates are on the increase, organizations face high recruiting costs and top talent losses.

At Avature, we prefer to take this worrying trend with positive insight and focus on it as an opportunity to analyze, modernize and improve current employee engagement and retention strategies. Let us introduce the concept of “the Great Retention”.

Responding to a call for employee experience transformation, this e-book will serve as a step-by-step master guide to tackle the reasons behind the Great Resignation. Leverage agile technology to improve your talent management strategies from the moment you onboard a new hire, through all crucial touchpoints along their journey within your organization.

Meet organizational and workforce goals through holistic processes that provide engagement while enhancing productivity. Understand the underlying reasons for the Great Resignation trend and tackle the so-called employee retention issues.

Download this e-book and learn:

  • The misconceptions and real reasons behind the Great Resignation.
  • Best practices to improve employee engagement and retention.
  • How to implement modern, time-effective processes.
  • The importance of agile technology in effective engagement strategy.