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Our Vision

Dimitri Boylan
Chief Executive Officer

To create an innovative and agile enterprise HCM platform for customers to do business the way they want to do it, create the user experience they want and add the competitive edge to their talent programs.

We believe cutting-edge talent acquisition and talent management require new thinking and new solutions because breakthrough performance requires a break with the past.

We think traditional software vendors have failed to deliver the technology needed for effective talent acquisition and talent management. What went wrong? Poor technology decisions and a wholesale replacement of R&D and innovation with M&A-driven “bolt-on” acquisitions have produced rigid and incompatible product suites with no sweet spot for the business.

Oversimplified and oversold, these vendor-designed products enforce a generic approach to business challenges. This conflicts with your objective of finding the unique solution that fits your company’s specific needs, can accommodate your particular transformation objectives, and deliver a competitive advantage when deployed.

At Avature, we see things differently. Rather than struggle with too many separate systems that do not really communicate with each other, we believe in a one-platform approach. One platform powered by innovative, flexible and socially oriented software that supports business-driven solutions, not vendor-driven compromises.

On the Avature Platform, you can build the right solutions at the right time and transform implementations into opportunities to bring people together to seek out and design digitally enabled programs that impact the business.

Our solution-oriented approach unlocks the creativity of your management teams, where success is a business optimization process, not a technical challenge.

We strive to combine the usability of systems like Facebook with the functionality to support high-value, high-impact business activity. Imagine that your technical solutions fit your business, as well as Amazon’s website fits theirs. Imagine that the usability, mobility, configurability and utility of the platform are supported by intense customer feedback. That means both you and high-velocity application development cycles, and that innovations like Android, the iPad and HTML 5 are at your fingertips almost as soon as they become commercially available.
And finally, imagine that on your platform, service delivery is a core capability, not an afterthought, which allows you to operate a “business inside a business.”