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Leveraging a Total Talent Strategy


Being able to hire on-demand for a specific job can be a life saver for many organizations, which is why hiring contingent workers is on the rise. But most companies have failed to implement a freelance management system that allows them to truly see the full picture of their hiring.

The consequences? Higher hiring costs, lost time on inefficient sourcing efforts and missed opportunities for keeping top talent engaged.

So, how can organizations avoid this? By adopting a new approach to contingent workforce management. A flexible workforce management software can grant them the visibility they need over all their contingent talent and the necessary data to adjust their strategies.

Download this e-book
and discover:

  • How to save money on contractor hiring.
  • How to bypass agency fees through direct sourcing and the benefits
    of keeping a centralized talent pool of previously hired freelancers.
  • The keys you need to focus on in order to drive adoption of your
    contingent workforce software.
  • Real use cases of how big brands (such as Deloitte) have implemented
    our award-winning contingent workforce management solution.